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Bamboo has the power to transform Guatemala.


This Workshop aims to catalyze a strong evolution in helping its communities adapt to a warmer and more turbulent climate through this wonderful plant.

One of the world's critical biodiversity hotspots.

Natural beauty

From the volcanic landscapes to lush rainforests, Guatemala is a country of stunning natural beauty. It is home to many beautiful lakes, rivers, and waterfalls, as well as a diverse array of wildlife.

Adventure activities

Guatemala offers many adventure activities, such as hiking, zip-lining, and white-water rafting, making it a perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Delicious Cuisine

Guatemalan cuisine is a delightful fusion of indigenous Mayan and Spanish influences. The country is known for its delicious street food, fresh produce, and traditional dishes.

10th Biodiversity ranking (by country) (according to the Biodiversity Hotspots Critical Ec

About Guatemala 

Guatemala is a fascinating country with a rich history, vibrant culture, breathtaking biodiversity, and enormous potential. The Mayan Empire left behind incredible architectural and artistic achievements, while Guatemala's colorful textiles, intricate handicrafts, and delicious cuisine blend indigenous and Spanish influences. As one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots, it is home to over 700 species of birds and a remarkable variety of flora and fauna. With abundant natural resources, including geothermal energy and fertile agricultural land.


Guatemala is well-positioned to become a leader in new green industries and embrace sustainable development.

Rich cultural heritage

With numerous Mayan ruins, colonial architecture, colorful indigenous markets, and museums showcasing the country's fascinating history.

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